There have recently been many promotions, praises, and criticism of a certain best-selling book and its coming to the silver screen as a major motion picture. I will not directly comment on either. What disturbs me is that many, if not most, Christians cannot name the resurrection chapter in the Bible (evidencing that it must not be very important to them), cannot expound the nature of God (as taught in the Bible), cannot explain the gospel, do not know what “born again” means nor give the biblical context of that statement, cannot define repentance nor state whether it is needed today or not, cannot define "justification", are not drawn to Bible books such as Jude and the "pastoral epistles", cannot name the most common warning in the epistles, do not value corporate worship, wrongly think that discernment is opposed to love, do not know the biblical meanings of “love”, cannot link Matthew 7:1 with John 7:24, and do not care to know the before-mentioned (since they do not seem to “meet me where I am.”) On the contrary, they can expound on the latest best-sellers, and generally think that anything that seems to “lead someone to God” is from God, thus elevating pragmatism above the level of truth and truthfulness. I am not responding to anyone's post. I am simply making general comment regarding the biblical illiteracy and egocentric movement of the church (believers, real or pretend) that is so prevalent. It concerns me greatly that people erroneously think that "theologians" and ministers are supposed to know all about biblical matters, but not every Christian. It seems to me that if it is revealed in the sacred Scriptures (the Bible) then it is for everyone to value, understand, believe, and trust in. When a society of believers wanders from a strong stand on what has been revealed by God in the Scriptures, then personal experiences, personal testimonies (which was key when I was in sales), relevancy, novelty, emotionalism, and personal comfort zones will take precedence and will be trusted and relied on more than the Scriptures. Lack of discernment is largely due to biblical illiteracy. Could it be that this is the real problem with Christianity today? Could it be that we can dust off our Bible and gain discernment? It's not as entertaining, but it has quite the eternal value for those made by God of the dust of the ground. It's time for God's people to be grounded in His Word. “Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.” (Ephesians 6:24)
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September 2022
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